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Avoid this company at all costs! The Citirental website is like something out of the 90s in that you can't actually complete the booking process online, you can only submit an "enquiry" and then at some point in the future you receive an e-mail from a nondescript e-mail address ( confirming the booking. My wife and I made a booking with Citirental on 8-Jan-16 for the Easter period (pick-up on Sunday 27-March and drop off on Monday 28-March) and received a confirmation e-mail confirming the booking. Before booking we actually called Citirental and double-checked their prices and verified these were still good for the Easter period since they were very competitive rates (£58 total for 2 days plus £10 out of hours drop off fee). We were told that the rates "were good in the system" and these rates were indeed confirmed on the e-mail booking confirmation we received. On 27-February we received a further e-mail from Citirental saying there had been a "clerical error", the price would now be £155.95 (vs £68 originally confirmed) and that we would have to pick up the car on 24-March rather than 27-March! We informed Citirental that we did not agree to them changing the terms of our contractual booking, but they ignored all e-mails sent to and just send a cancellation e-mail. We therefore made a new booking with Sixt at a significantly higher cost to our original booking with Citirental and we're in the process of pursuing Citirental for the cost difference. I fully expect this to go to the small claims court since the company is faceless and they do not return phone calls or reply to e-mails. This company is part of the Practical Car & Van Rental franchise network but it is very difficult to find out any information about the ownership of Citirental via their web site.

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